French Diction Coaching

Nathalie Doucet has established herself as a highly sought after French Lyric Diction Coach. Her 20 years of experience as a pianist, opera, and vocal coach has equipped Nathalie to coach French pronunciation as a compliment to your vocal technique. Having accurate knowledge of the formation of the vowels, Knowing the rules of “liaison” and “élision” as well as all of their exceptions (there are many!) can help you improve your singing in French. Nathalie ensures that using the correct diction never compromises your vocal technique or the sound you wish to make. With years of coaching the French lyric repertoire, Nathalie has cultivated a way of teaching diction so that you won’t fall into the common technical pitfalls.

Lyric diction is the mastering of a language in its sung form. It is essential to have correct diction because the text in song or opera is the primary conduit of the expression and the story. The patterns of stress and intonation of the text are vital in achieving proper French diction while singing.
